The partition stats shows the number of partitions created for a selected datasource. Here are the steps to visualize the partition stats:
- Main navigation menu --> click Data Warehouses. This will shows a list of warehouses
- Click on the Datasources link corresponding to a warehouse. This will show all datasources within a warehouse.
- Corresponding to a datasource (or table name), click on the "Stats" icon (as shown in Figure 2.7a below).
- The Stats screen shows the following three types of information (also see Figure 2.7b below):
- Partition Count: The bar chart shows the number of partitions created over time. The x-axis shows the ingestion date and the y-axis shows the number of partitions created.
- Partition Size: The line chart shows the size of partitions over time. The x-axis is the ingested time and y-axis is the partition size in Bytes.
- Partition Details: A tabular view of partition details containing the partition version, partition number, creation date and partition start and end intervals.
Figure 2.7a: Screenshot showing a list of datasources within a warehouse. The Stats icons are highlighted with red marker for demonstration only.
Figure 2.7b: Screenshot showing a datasource stats - partition count over time, partition size over time and a detailed list of partitions.