This section describes how to edit user information, reset password, and assign/revoke access roles. You must be an admin to perform the following steps:
- Main navigation menu --> Expand Users and Roles --> Manage Users
- Click Edit link located at the far right column of the user you want to edit
- You can update user information and save.
Reset User Password
There are two ways to reset user password:
- Send Password Reset Link: This is a secure way to send a link to user's email. The user should follow the link to change their password. This feature will work only if the email service (SMTP config) is configured.
- Generate Temp Password: This will create a random password that you can share with the user. User must change this password on the first login.
Assign or Revoke Access Roles
- To add additional roles to this user, check the boxes corresponding to the role/roles you want to assign to this user.
- To remove roles, uncheck the box you want to remove the roles from this user's access.
- Click Update button to save the changes.
Figure 3.5a: Screen showing user information and editable fields.