In order to grant access of resources (warehouse and tables) to a user, assign a role to the user. The following steps describe the process of assigning roles to a user. Before proceeding with the following ensure that you have already created roles . To learn how to create a role follow the tutorial Create Role.
Assign Roles to a New User
- Expand Users and Roles from the main navigation menu
- Click Manage Users
- Click the plus icon located at the top of the page (see Figure 3.5a below)
- Fill out the New User form. See Create User to learn more about the form fields and their meanings.
- At the bottom of new user form, select the checkboxes corresponding to roles to assign one or more roles to this user (Figure 3.5b below)
- Click Save
Assign Roles to an Existing User
- As shown in Figure 3.5a, click on the Edit link corresponding to the user you want to assign one or more roles to
- On the next page, click checkboxes corresponding to one or more roles.
- If a role is already assigned to this user and you want to keep that role assigned, leave the checkbox checked. Else, uncheck the box.
- Click Save
Figure 3.5a: Screen showing a Manage Users menu, add new user icon and list of users with Edit link corresponding to each user
Figure 3.5b: Screen showing the form to create new user and assign roles to data warehouses/tables