Use Impulse DW Restful APIs to access data available in the data warehouse. The following section provides the service, request and response specification.
Operation | Request Parameters | Response | Response |
/v1/sql/result |
Request header |
Authorization: Token <your api token> | |
JSON formatted request body |
{ "sql":"Your SQL statement", "start_index": [optional], "end_index":[optional], "row_limit":[optional, default=100], "result_format":[optional, supported formats: default=json, csv, html] } |
Query result in the format specified. Exceptions: { "result":"No result fetched", "exception":<Exception message describing the reason>" } |
Example1: curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Token 1234567890987654321' -d '{"sql":"select * from \"tablename\""}'
- The above example will return 100 rows in JSON format
Example 2: curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Token 1234567890987654321' -d '{"sql":"select * from \"tablename\", "row_limit":1000, "result_format":"csv"}'
- This will return 1000 rows in csv format
Example 3: curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Token 1234567890987654321' -d '{"sql":"select * from \"tablename\", "start_index":100, "row_limit":1000, "result_format":"csv"}'
- This will return 1000 rows with off set = 100, in csv format
Note: Your URL may be different from the URL used in this document. You will need to use the URL for your deployment.